At BIPcorp.com, we are committed to excel in providing support to our customers before, during and after a sale. You can contact us in several ways: on-line, by phone or by fax. No matter which way you chose you will always find BIPcorp Customer Support Staff concerned, professional, knowledgeable and helpful. We will not be satisfied until you are.
Please, carefully read the following information related to your order.
When you receive your order:
Carefully inspect its content and condition. All claims for damaged and/or missing items have to be received by BIPcorp.com within two (2) business days of receipt of merchandise. In the event your package arrives damaged, it is customer's responsibility to contact the carrier to inspect the package to assure refund or replacement. All shipping materials have to be retained until the problem is resolved. Shipped order becomes customer's property in the moment it is transferred to the shipping company for shipment.
Carefully unpack and inspect all merchandise. Please, do not damage or discard manufacturer's packaging. Do not fill out the manufacturer's warranty and/or registration cards until you are absolutely sure you want to keep your merchandise. Do not discard any of the packaging materials, books, manuals, insert, boxes, bags etc until you are sure that you want to keep your equipment.
Read instructions before testing your equipment
Keep your invoice.